Spilt coffee

Flat but filled

the coffee spilt,

spread and grew to an ocre stain 

on an orange kaftan. 


but smelt of an afternoon spent 

in concrete corners,

didn’t cost a cent. 

It ran down legs

onto wooden floors, 

splashed and spread against the doors. 

Sticky and wet,

it left its scent

despite towels which soak away the mess. 

I wash my dress in buckets of red, 

till it looks the same as it always did,

though I know it will never smell as fresh

for the spilt coffee I can never forget. 

Water bottles 

Bag of boiling waterstill leaves cold corners 

beneath toes, frost bitten, 

sliding softly beneath sheets 

and socks.

Skin burns beneath the bottle 

2 legs across,

30 centimetres wide,

it’s warmth has tried

to cure the bitterness 

that sweeps across this cosy mess

vast and void with room

for 2. Though neglects to fill the 


Don’t think that you’re superfluous 

I’ve kept a place reserved

for you. 

For constant warmth from head to toe and hands that seek my shivering bones. 

A place where I don’t need these clothes and where I’ll choose to share this note. 

A Cold Bed

Bag of boiling waterstill leaves cold corners 

beneath toes, frost bitten, 

sliding softly beneath sheets 

and socks.

Skin burns beneath the bottle 

2 legs across,

30 centimetres wide,

it’s warmth has tried

to cure the bitterness 

that sweeps across this cosy mess

vast and void with room

for 2. Though neglects to fill the 


Don’t think that you’re superfluous 

I’ve kept a place reserved

for you. 

For constant warmth from head to toe and hands that seek my shivering bones. 

A place where I don’t need these clothes and where I’ll choose to share this note. 


Eyes closed

Flickering in artificial light
Insides wide open
A Constant flow or a kitchen tap jammed on tight
Drips slow
And a Drain clogged with yesterday’s scraps
Gooey grey and yellow
10 drips
Become a full sink
I think
My eyes float across suds 
Slip and overflow
Slides down sides
Drops on toes
A bucket 
A mop
Soaks away the mess
Like clouds above a Damp wilderness
Fills and shifts
And shares its flow on tiles
On snow
I melt 
Words become water
Water and words
Splash my cheeks 
My flickering eyes
Sigh and blink 
They’re tired and limp
I think
My words disappear
I empty my sink
Then glide into soft sheets with cold summer on my mind, feet seek cold corners
But my eyelids are tired
Heart beats slow
And the tap drips slow down
Not a smile nor a frown fills my face as much as warmth fills yours. 

I feel dizzy amongst these rocks
more rocks
moss covered rocks
Wind breaths down my neck
Sinister cries
birds that are black
Black sand and ice
amongst the stony mounds
that surround me now
No echo no sound
Infinite ground
Rocks chatter they crack
they tap
The moss is soft
Lie on my back watching the black cloud cover the cold pillars of white
as the sun opens it’s eyes
shines upon my chilling spine.





Walking around the Glacier Lagoon ~ Iceland