
So a few friends and I had planned to go to Budapest (finally). However due to many unchangeable and incredibly angering circumstances we were not able to go.

So to eradicate our sorrows we went and spent the afternoon at an Asian buffet in Graz before returning home and drinking away our sorrows.
Then the next night we teamed up and created what was actually a very delicious batch of Hungarian goulash in bread bowls! We ended up really having quite a lot of fun together that weekend.




Multiple choice

There’s this chain of bar/restaurants in Graz where you can order a range of things from Pizza to baked potatoes (and of course beer and other beverages) but the selling point is how you order – there will be a stack of forms on each table and you tick the boxes with which ingredients you would like on you meal of choice! And everything is so cheap (this pizza was 6 euro)
Ft. Sauce, cheese, ham, pineapple, mushrooms and rocket



I finally visited this adorable cafe around the corner from where I’ve been living in Graz the last few months. Turns out its a charity cafe run my volunteers to provide affordable meals, tea and coffee for a donation. Courtney and I tried the vegetable soup with pasta, chai lattes and apple pancakes 🙂
Was a truly wonderful discovery!




Mayors Buffet

The exchange and Erasmus students if Graz were very fortunate to be invited to a reception at the town hall in Hauptplatz by the Mayor of Graz. Following his welcome message was a buffet of traditional food and Styrian wine. Quite the treat, did not last long though – the ravenous students devoured everything in less than 20 minutes! Desert came out in trays one by one – with each new tray that arrived a minute after the last, the previous was already gone.



Back to Graz

The journey back to our home-away-from-home was a long one featuring little to no sleep. As it was a Sunday and either late at night or early in the morning when we were arriving places and needing to eat, literally the only places open were mc donalds. So we got mc chicken meals each. We went to 3 maccas in total – 1) train station Katowice, 2) train station vienna, 3) another train station in Vienna. Didn’t feel great about it, but at least we weren’t hungry.
